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Asset Finance Solutions

We offer financing solutions for business users whether you are looking to source brand new or used equipment or looking to refinance existing assets to support your cashflow.


Woods Asset Finance offers flexible finance to power your business.

Spread the cost of your business assets over time without having to make a large upfront investment.

Farm assets and tractors  funding
Finance lease for equipment and machines
Contract hire for all business vehicles


Hire Purchase enables you to acquire an asset while paying for it in instalments over an agreed timescale. 

It lets you spread the cost of your investment over the life of the asset, making it easier to budget. Hire Purchase is particularly suitable for acquiring vehicles, machinery, construction and commercial equipment.


Use the equipment you need without having to buy it outright.

You pay us rent for the full use of it. The rental period is flexible and can be tailored to your needs and cash flow. During this period, you will pay us the full cost of the asset, including interest. Then, when you reach the end of the primary lease term you can choose to enter a new rental period, sell or return the asset.


This is a great way to finance all business vehicles. 


This form of rental agreement offers low deposits and can also include a maintenance package to care for your new vehicle.

Operating lease for all your equipment and machinery
3D Printing
Woodchipper finance


Lease a piece of equipment, while you need it. An operating lease is very similar to a finance lease, although the former is usually for a shorter period of time, usually a small percentage of the equipment’s expected lifespan.

The shorter nature of operating leases allows you to pay a reduced rental payment.

During the lease period, you get to use the equipment as you would if you owned it, but without the upfront financial outlay.


Sale and HP back is a means of asset finance whereby you can release capital in a business asset that you already own.  We will buy your asset at an agreed value and then finance it back to you under a hire purchase agreement.

Once all the HP repayments have been made, your business will once more own the asset.

The asset involved might be a piece of machinery, equipment or a vehicle, and could be new or used. 


Sale and lease back transfers ownership of your existing assets from the owner to us. You then continue to use the assets, effectively leasing them from us for a monthly payment.

Using this asset finance option frees up cash for your business and could help you more effectively measure the cost of buying, financing, maintaining and disposing of your assets.

Asset finance for a wide range of business owners


We provide funding for a wide range of new and used commercial assets for business users regardless of your sector or suppliers.

Here are just some of the assets we can help you finance:

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